Fresno To Fresyes


July 2013


It is Saturday morning and I have been chatting on the phone with my friend Wendel for two hours when it suddenly hits me that this may actually be a good weekend to visit her in Fresno.

Fresno is not a choice destination for many people and has been referred to by some as “the armpit of California”.  I am not exactly thrilled at the prospect of driving for 4 or 5 hours to a place known for its record temperatures and where the people generally have more provincial perspectives than those of say, San Francisco.

The impromptu road trip got a later start than I wanted, which I blame on Mercury in Retrograde. Wendel more accurately predicted my departure time than I was able to, despite Mercury’s movement.  Score: Wendel 1; Naomi nada.

The long drive I was so worried about ended up being great.

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